Adventures With Lloyd

on CanoeCanadaEast.Com

Do it Yourself


Canoe Trip Recipes and Make it Yourself Projects


I respect people who can do things, be creative, and who are self reliant. I want to spread the transferable skills I have learned over the years to help people do things for themselves.


No Canoe expedition would get very far without good meal planning. Whether you are into dehydrating your own meal packets or are into more traditional canoeing foods, a good meal after a long day of paddling is just as important as a good paddle is when in the canoe. Bad food is OK on a weekend trip, but if you are going for any length of time good food is essential for good morale and high spirits. My recipes are pretty simple but tasty. As with all outdoor cooking, the environmental conditions, inconsistent fire temperatures and your cooking equipment, and cooking style, will all be a factor in meal preparation. As such, there is no point in giving cooking times, or measurements or telling you how to do what. Just mix things together, add water and fire and cook until done. Some of the best meals I have had, have come from trying to figure out ways to save a botched recipe. When in doubt with baked goods, add more flour. When in doubt with everything else, add more spice.

  Lloyd's Bannock
  Angela's Canoe Trip Cake
  Tim's Canoe Trip Cattle Corn
  Ted's Non-Magical Mushrooms
  Lloyd's Kick Ass Cowboy Chili
  Lloyd's Colon Cleaning Canoe Chili
  Tim's Algonquin Park Spam-Burgers
  Masonic Brotherhood Battered Bass
In this section you will have exclusive access to all of the things I have learned over the years. Some of this was learned out of necessity, some through trial and error, and some just involves transferable skills. I cannot say that no one was harmed or injured in the making of this website, as there have been a few painful and costly incidents along the way. There a a few different kinds of people. Some are self reliant and enjoy building and fixing stuff. Other people just like to throw money at a problem. I know some of both types and both solutions are equally acceptable until you are a days paddle from civilization. Then it is good to be one of those self reliant people that can MacGyver a canoe back together after you wrap it around a rock. There is something satisfying however about self reliance and once you get a taste for it you will find it addictive.    Make a wearable Throw Bag
Make a cheap Throw Bag
Fix a broken Old Town Poylink3 canoe or kayak
Pick up and portage a canoe
Build a double canoe carrier for a small car
Make Tie Down Ropes
Make a Canvas Portage Pack
Make a canvas Bow Bag
Carve an emergency paddle